Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Life of A Fashion Intern

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Yesterday I started my fashion internship for Fabulous magazine in association with the Sun! (04/08/2014) It has always been my aim to do an internship of this nature during my summer holidays, so I had been looking forward to it since I recived the email confirming I had got the job! An internship is essential to helping you get both experience and ultimately a job in your chosen field of work, especially if you are aiming to go into the fashion world (one of the most competitive industries).

The entrance at the floor I work on
This section is used to shoot/ take photos

I will be with Fabulous magazine for a month which I believe will be a perfect amount of time to get to know the ins and outs of working for a fashion company. After just two days I have already learnt so much! The girls are all so friendly and helpful and everybody works as a team, there has even been a bake off so lots of free cake (an extra bonus). 

Day One

The first day was spent learning my jobs/ what the internship would include. I met a friend Zoey (another intern) who I instantly got on with  and she helped explain our jobs.
We spent the day mainly researching prices to write up the details of a shoot from the previous week. This was fun as it meant scrolling through websites (aka getting to look at all the new in clothing) to try and locate clothes used in the shoot. The model looked amazing and has made me want all the clothes she wore! 

After lunch:  
After a little play in the Sun London Bus Photo Booth with Zoey it was back to work. The afternoon was spent adding the credits to the shoot, inc. the details of the make-up artist and photographer. We also managed to do a few returns, this involves returning the clothes from the shoot or other unused samples back to the PR company they are originally from. 

Photo Booth fun!

Morning Deliveries
Day Two
Every morning we sort out the deliveries which is total madness! (see picture below) A lot of the time the deliveries are to go straight into the cupboard which means we get to unpack them and see all the new clothes! Deliveries come twice a day (sometimes three) and below is a picture of a standard morning of deliveries, aka Christmas come early.

Day Three
Today we spent the majority of the day sorting out clothes for Pixie Lott's shoot on Friday. The shoot will be 60's theme. Zoey and I picked out anything we thought would suit the theme of the shoot as well as Pixie's style. Lynn (the women styling the shoot) then put outfits together, I have pictured a couple below! Look out for Pixie wearing some of these looks in a Fabulous magazine soon!

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